Since We Last Spoke

It is good to return to writing again, and to see the back catalogue of blog posts spanning more than a decade up on the website. The last few months have been a whirlwind of remembering how to operate a solo practice after all these years, setting up operations for my local community land trust, and parenting three teenagers.

The biggest change, by far, has been my switch away from Naviplan and to my friend Owen Winkelmolen’s planning platform Adviice, which allows me and my clients to work on the plan together. Instead of just a PDF of their financial plan, clients are able to see and interact with their plan on their own, making tweaks and changes along the way, and making it ten thousand times easier to revisit together in the future when life, inevitably, changes.

As always, I’m gearing up for a fall full of income planning meetings, checking in on portfolio sustainability, withdrawal rates, and any strategic tax moves that need to be made before the end of the calendar year. Some of my income planning clients have been with me since 2015, which feels simultaneously like ancient history and yesterday.

My profound thanks to those of you who have been with me for the last decade. Here’s to many more to come.


EnoughSandi Martin