In the In-Between
Well, here we are in the In-Between...again. That space between winter and summer, between hibernation indoors and having fun outside, between “yay, the vaccines are here” and “now when do I get to visit my Mom?”.
Around here we recognize May as the time between the awful “Stressed & Bummed Out and I Don’t Know Why Season” that seems to last for most of January, February, March, and April, and our favourite “Dream State Goal-Setting Season” (aka the entire summer). It’s the time when the work gets done, and the liminal space between what has been and what’s on the way that we named our company after.
It’s hard living in this space, particularly now. The pandemic has heightened our awareness of how much time we spend being uncertain. It’s very difficult to make decisions when you have only a vague idea of what might happen, when it might happen, or what the effect might be...but rarely all three at once. Each of us crave a simple formula that not only tells us exactly what to do, but promises us that everything will be fine if only we follow the right steps.
As attractive as simple answers and surefire formulas for success might be (especially in the middle of the night when our deepest fears come out to play), I know that easy answers do us all a disservice. The hard work of living and making decisions in the middle of uncertainty, of defining your own version of success and moving towards it step by step, changing course as you go, is the only way we know how to live, and the only way I know how to serve my clients.
I hope that as you move through this particular in-between season, that you see hope on the horizon, even if you have to squint a little.