August Top Reads

I hope every single one of you is finding a (safe) way to enjoy the summer. Hopefully on, in, or beside the water, with a book in your hand and a drink within easy reaching distance. And since you’re staying two metres away from everyone else, and prefer reading to shouted conversations (just me?) here’s a selection of interesting, informative, or inspirational reads: 

If these three great reads aren’t quite enough for you, check out:

Still reading? How about:

Happy Reading!

What Does "Good Trouble" Look Like in Your Life?

From Jacquette Timmons

The people who tend to leave the greatest legacy often never set out to do that. They were just doing what they felt called to do."

Read the full article here.

Confessions of a Former 'FIRE' Skeptic

From Christine Benz

“I’ve concluded that the “retire early” part of FIRE is a bit of a distraction from the really important part of the movement: the value of mindfully allocating our precious time and money in a way that aligns with our values, life goals, and joys. From that standpoint, even those of us who don’t plan to retire early can learn something from FIRE, and young investors with their whole lives ahead of them can learn even more.”

Read the full article here.

Let Yourself Be Unproductive. At Least for a Little While.

From Peter Bregman

“Feel the sadness, the loss, the change. Sink into the discomfort of not moving forward, not getting things done. In a strange way, not progressing may be its own form of productivity. Something fruitful is happening, we’re just not controlling it.”

Read the full article here.

You can read this month's entire list below:

My (private) company is doing a tender offer. Should I participate? | Meg Bartelt

“So, if you want to stay concentrated in your company stock, it’s not necessarily a bad idea. You in fact kind of have to do that to have a chance of a big windfall. But you also have to understand that this (very) probably won’t happen, and you’re more likely to have less money in the end than you would have had you sold the stock and invested in the “low-cost, broadly diversified portfolio” that we financial planners are always nattering on about.”

Financial aid guide for university and college students in Canada | Cameron Yee

“If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of student debt, this student financial aid guide can help you understand your options, how the programs work, and how to apply and qualify for them, too. Remember, you have nothing to lose from applying!”

Budgeting doesn’t mean spending less on things | Chris Enns

“Budgeting is about doing money on purpose.”

The CERB clawback summer reader| John Stapleton

“No surprise here. If you have more RGI housing, more social assistance recipients and more low-income seniors, you also have the greatest number of clawbacks and people therefore have less money to spend in their local communities. Double whammy!”

A Simple Trick to Avoid Overthinking | Tiffany Aliche

“Become a paper towel person.”

In Stressful Times, Make Stress Work for You | Kari Leibowitz and Alia Crum

“those who had the highest levels of stress were 43 percent more likely to die only if they also believed that stress was bad for their health. In contrast, those who experienced high stress but didn’t view it as harmful were the least likely to die.”

Road Testing your Incapacity Plan - All About Estates | Suzanna Walter

“Not having a plan or having one which is inadequate can be a costly and contentious matter and can lead to family discord.”

Great ReadsSandi Martin