Tender Money Conversations

You may have found, like me, that your ability and desire to read anything except for the back of the cereal box has diminished significantly. That’s okay - the written word will still be ready for you when you’re ready for it

I happened to be ready for it this month, and found some real gems I’d like to share, including:

If that’s not enough, there’s a whole list of other reads to dig into (Nine! I counted!), including:

Families, Money and the Tincture of Tenderness

From Dr. Moira Somers

Time spent with family while we practice physical distancing presents us with the opportunity to have tender money conversations.

“The end result of this financial stress is often an increase in conflict. With everyone feeling a little more ragged and tense than usual, it is all too easy to let loose with harsh pronouncements and critical commentaries. Researchers have been telling us for some time that marital conflicts about money have the potential to be especially damaging. Financial disagreements are associated with nastier fighting techniques and poorer relational outcomes. That’s why the tincture of tenderness is essential today.”

Read the full article here.

When You Have No Idea What Happens Next

From Morgan Housel

“Forecasts rely on knowing when something will occur. Expectations are an acknowledgment of what’s likely to occur without professing insight into when it will happen.”

Read the full article here.

Caregiving Beyond the Crisis

From Tammy Findlay

“Hopefully one of the lessons we will learn from this pandemic is that we should be using our public resources to care for each other all of the time, and not just when there is a crisis.”

Read the full article here.

You can read this month's entire list below:

In Uncertain Times, Humility is Essential | Christina Benz

“If there are many uncertain variables swirling around, your job is to ensure that your plan can still work even if those variables don't play out as you're expecting them to.”

Tired of still life in quarantine? Visit the world from your sofa | Albina Retyunskikh

“If, by this point, daily visits to Puerto Backyarda and New Kitchen are feeling repetitive, take comfort that there are ways to escape, at least virtually, with famous tourist sites offering online visits—almost all of them, free.”

COUNTERPOINT: Coronavirus and your social life: It’s not the same | Cleo Levin

“Beyond whatever technical issues there are, fundamentally, these activities aren’t satisfying because they’re based in a denial of the present moment.”

The constant shifts of the coronavirus pandemic may be making journalists more comfortable expressing uncertainty | Kevin Lerner

“Journalists pursue facts and their readers rely on accuracy, which are smaller, related concepts that are easier to measure.”

COVID-19 and compensation lessons from the Barrie Tornado | John Stapleton

“I would have given anything to have been able to change the property compensation model we were handed by the government.  Poor people lose little property but do lose access to programs. Rich people lose property and don’t qualify for programs that disallow wealth. Those two simple facts mean that compensation programs must always adjust their designs to meet need in order to work well.”

This version of Warren Buffett | Josh Brown

“Berkshire Hathaway as a quasi-religious institution for capitalists just fading away like this…it’s so anti-climactic. Unsettling.”

Comparing provincial economic responses to COVID-19 | Marc Lee and Arman Hamidian

“This post looks at provincial/territorial economic responses on top of the federal supports (although the response in the territories has been fairly limited). What follows is not intended to be a comprehensive inventory of all provincial measures, but it highlights the major initiatives and key differences across provinces.”

Another pandemic woe: Zoom Fatigue | Scott Rosenberg

“Our thought bubble: Not everything needs to be a Zoom meeting. Phone calls still work fine too.

"The bottom line: Once you tire of certain things, it means that you are tired of life.

"Samuel Johnson famously said that about London. No one has ever said it about videoconferencing.”

When Something Is Taken Away | Alex Riley

“Investing doesn’t need to be overly complex in order to meet your identified financial planning goals. In fact, your investments should be boring; it is your life that should be interesting.”