Three Great Reads You Might Have Missed

It's great to be back in the reading saddle again, and have I got some outstanding pieces for you!

For those of you who are new around these parts, I'm a reader. (My friend Noel asked me the other day if I'd gotten to the last page of the internet yet. I haven't, but I'm working on it.) I curate what I read and send it out into the world on Twitter, but like to come back to my list at the end of the month and pick out some of the most interesting, thought-provoking pieces and share them in one place

.In the past, this monthly exercise went out to email subscribers only, which just seemed selfish of me. From now on you can expect a couple of good reads to get you through the month right here on the regular.

Let's dig in:

Bond Basics 3: Should You Wait for Higher Yields?

From Dan Bortolotti, a simple answer to a question I know you're asking: "With yields so low now, is it even worth it to invest in bonds? Wouldn't I be better off waiting until interest rates go up?"

Read Dan's response here, and while you're at it, listen to the podcast episode he released on the same topic here.

Why is it so hard to close the gender wage gap?

From Kate McInturff, and with the help of two monkeys named Fred and Ginger who are returning pebbles in return for delicious grapes (for Fred) and blah cucumbers (for Ginger), we have this:

"He did his task. He got the grape. Clearly he is a wiz with the pebble. Who knows what Ginger is up to? Don’t tell Fred he doesn’t deserve his grape or that the grape was merely the result of luck on his part. No one wants to hear that.Consider that 74% of members of parliament have lived a lifetime of getting grapes. Not to mention 98% of the top 100 CEOs in Canada. Add in three-quarters of all senior managers in the country.

This may go some way towards explaining why it is so very difficult to convince those with the power to do so to close the wage gap."

Read the rest here

So I Got Chickens

From Kitty at Bitches get Riches, a smart and saucy reminder:

"Life is about more than financial optimization. Financial optimization frees you to make interesting, irrational choices about how to spend your time on Earth. One day I will lay upon my deathbed (hopefully in the air conditioned apartment with a good wifi signal supplied to me by those thoughtful lions). I will look back across my life and think of all the choices that I made."

Read the rest here (No, seriously. You need to get acquainted with Kitty and Piggy.)