Posts in Great Reads
The Best Personal Finance Posts This Week

No reason to deny the fact that I'm a money nerd. I like talking about it, and - in the vast sea of self-promotion and link-dropping that is the internet, it's hard to find other people who like to actually discuss things, trade ideas, and even disagree a little (oooh, spicy!).

Now, whether you like Google+ or not, it's set up perfectly to connect with people who share common interests with you, but whose kids, or last meal, or plans for the weekend might not exactly top the list of Things You Care Much About. Which is why Google+ is my preferred place for all the spicy things mentioned in the previous paragraph. The Canadian Personal Finance Community, to be specific.

Consider this my invitation. Come on, it'll be fun.On to the list (By the way, it's an open list. Feel free to add posts you think are great.)

Editor's Choice:My favourite post by far this week was Is your portfolio just a pile of parts? from MoneySense columnist Dan Bortolotti (The Canadian Couch Potato). It's a review of Christ Turnbull's new book Your Portfolio is Broken: Who's to Blame and How to Fix It, and it addresses the very phenomenon of misguided diversification common to so many people's portfolios

From the post: "They’ll include a monthly income fund that holds the same stocks and bonds they own elsewhere. Plus there’s that sector fund that did well last year, and the specialty ETF that has a good yield. Oh, and a market-linked GIC that seemed like a good idea a couple of years ago. Top it all off with a sprinkling of individual stock picks from BNN, each one making up less than 1% of the portfolio so they’ll have no meaningful impact."

Great ReadsSandi Martin